Wednesday, December 20, 2006


From my family we want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. May God bless you as you celebrate the greatest gift that could have ever been given.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My New Hang-out

I am sitting in the new (though it has been around for a couple of months) coffee shop in Frostburg, Mountain City Coffeehouse & Creamery. Great little atmosphere...great pretzel sandwich. It is amazing until this place opened there was not a coffee shop in Frostburg which has a student population of 5000. I hope this place stays strong and makes it. It was not busy when I came in around 11:30 am, but business has been picking up in the last thirty minutes.

Here are somepics of my family that I wanted to share. The first is me with our daughter, Riley, and the other is my wife, Michelle and Carson our son.

I am so thankful to God for these wonderful gifts he has given me!!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Good posts from a friend

I was reading a friends blog today on the Holy Spirit and thought they were well written and well thought out. Which is surprising considering the guy who wrote them is an Aggie. John Herring is the Minister of Adults Johnsons Ferry Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Necessary (and Dangerous) Holy Spirit

The Dangerous and Necessary Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gotta get me one of these

My daughter is only five, but when the time comes I think I will have to get me one of these monkeys!

Friday, November 10, 2006

I can't wait for January

No it is not because American Idol is back. Personally I could care less about that show. It is because my favorite show to ever come to TV is back for another season and I just saw the 24 teaser and it looks awesome. I wrote about my love for this show in February.

Jack Bauer gives us an illustration of biblical truth that is uncanny. He is willing to sacrifice himself for everyone else. He has been doing it for 5 seasons on 24 and it looks as though the 6th one will be more of the same. When you watch the video listen to these quotes that sound so much like the need people have for what Jesus did in their place on the cross.

"A threat will rise"--what threat do all of us face? The threat of sin and what it will do to us in this life and the life to come. It is trying to take control of us each day and it needs to be stopped.

"Fear will grow"--people are full of fear in their lives. But as John tells us, "perfect love drives out fear." (1 John 4:8) Jesus displayed perfect love.

"Our only hope lies with one man"--WOW how true it is. It is funny when you watch the video Jack's hair is long with a long beard, almost trying to look like Jesus who is the only hope for anyone.

Jack says, "I can die for something"--Jesus died for something...for God's and me. We are all fallen in need of Jesus who died for us.

"We are asking you to sacrifice yourself"--That is exactly what God asked Jesus to do. "
The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them." (John 15:13) This is where Jesus showed perfect love, His willingness to sacrifice himself.

"If we want thses attacks to stop Jack Bauer has to be sacrificed"--The attack of sin on our life will not end in this life. But because of the sacrifice that Jesus made the attack of sin on the lives of Christ Followers will stop after this life is over.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for all of us. The price that we were suppose to pay. He laid down His life for you and me. What are you going to do with the knowledge of that?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Who you voting for?

Yesterday, I took the day off because Riley was off from school. So, Riley and I are doing something in the kitchen when Michelle walks through and I ask her"When do you want to go vote today?" Before Michelle could answer Riley asked, "Why are you going to vote?" Trying to figure out how to explain voting to a 5 year old I say, "To put people in our government to run the country." Riley says, "I want God to run our country."

Out of the mouth of babes.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Being the Light

There is a story of a young woman one day who went to here pastor and wanted to talk about her job. She began to talk and told the pastor about how hard the job was and how rude the people she worked with were. She said she was really struggling in her Christian walk because of this job. The pastor looked at the woman and asked, “Where do you put lights?” The woman looked at the pastor curiously, but she did not respond. She went on to tell how her co-workers went out and partied on the weekends and came in and talked about all the things they had done and how draining it was to her spiritually to hear all of that kind of stuff. The pastor again calmly asked, “Where do you put lights?” Again the young lady looked at the pastor curiously but continued on about how her boss and his appalling language that he used in the work place. One last time the pastor looked at the lady and asked, “Where do you put lights?” The lady aghast at the repeated question looked at the pastor and said, “Well, I guess in dark places!” When the last word came out of her mouth she lowered her head and walked away knowing that she was suppose to be the light in the dark place of her work.

Jesus tells us we are, “the light of the world.” We live in a dark world with people that are not very nice and things that rage against everything the bible teaches. In this world we have two choices, one is unbiblical and the other is biblical. The unbiblical thing to do is to run and hide. This is what some do they insulate themselves from everything that is evil in this world and sit back and wait for Christ’s return. But God did not call us to do that! He called is to be in the world but not of it. We are supposed to let our light shine in those dark places of the world and make a difference for His kingdom. We are to be what Paul calls us in 2 Corinthians 5:20, “ambassadors for Christ.” We are supposed to go into the dark kingdom and do the work to promote God’s Kingdom.

Personally I hate Halloween. I wished in many ways it would go away, but the people outside our church are going to celebrate it, so this year we have decided to go into the dark places and see if we can make a difference for God's Kingdom. We are doing a "Light the Night" in our church parking lot. We have secured lights from our local volunteer fire department, two bounce houses, a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine and some awesome kits from the American Tract Society. Please pray that God would help us as we reach out to our community through this event.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Former Golden Boy of the SBC

With all the things happening at Southwestern Seminary, the institution I hold an Master of Divinity from, I feel I need to respond. Dwight McKissic preached at chapel earlier this semester and spoke of his private prayer language. Obviously SWBTS President Page Patterson did not like his view on the subject because McKissic's message was taken off the website for people to be able to view and then this week President Patterson had the trustees, McKissic is a trustee, vote on a new policy of restriction of anyone that has a private prayer language at SWBTS.

For more info on the story read the letter to the trustees from Dr. Patterson and Dr. McKissic's response at SBC Outpost or this article on Dr. McKissic's sermon at SWBTS at Associated Baptist Press

What is funny to me is that McKissic was the Golden Boy of the SBC back in October 2001. He was a board member of the BGCT and asked the board to affirm inerrancy, BP Article

In a story by BP about McKissic at his resolution that was present the SBTC. About half way down you find this...

"As their first act of business, messengers approved a statement on the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible written by Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington. "I simply wanted to introduce a resolution on biblical inerrancy that I don't have to read now, but want to make sure it's accepted here. By the way," he added, "this is the same motion that was rejected by the executive board of the BGCT."

SBTC President Ruben Hernandez thanked McKissic for the statement and said, "You're in friendly territory." Messenger Bill Sutton, pastor of First Baptist Church of McAllen, moved the suspension of the rules in order to act immediately on the resolution, receiving numerous shouts of "second" to his motion.

Asked to speak for the resolution, McKissic said, "I want to reiterate the position of the documents as I understand them of the SBTC and to give testimony to Baptists in the state of Texas regarding our beliefs that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God." The text of the resolution stated, "We believe in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and the inerrancy of the original manuscripts," adding that the BGCT executive board had rejected his effort to present the motion for consideration at their 2001 convention.

"I bring this motion today because I want to be absolutely convinced that I'm in a room with Baptists that can affirm that if God breathed the Scriptures, they have to be without error," McKissic passionately declared to the applause of convention-goers who cheered and waved their ballots when it was time to vote. "I just need to know there are some Baptists who will take a stand on this issue," he shouted.

Asking if any messenger wished to speak against it, Hernandez joined the audience in laughter at such a thought. "All right. That's beautiful." After messengers voted, he added, "Unanimous. Let it go on record."

Amazing that you are part of the in crowd as long as you agree with us, but when you decide to talk about what you believe that is contrary to what the powers that be believe then you are on the outside looking in.

Personally I am a cessationist that is willing to be proven wrong! But, I can fully cooperate with someone who is a continualist. I was eating lunch with my accountability partner today and we were discussing why churches shoot themselves in the foot so often when it comes to reaching out to people with the good news? I believe the SWBTS trustees have shot the SBC in the foot one more time.

Tragedy in Africa

I was reading another blog about the story of Darfur and that many Christian leaders have tried to bring this tragedy to the light of people in America. Here is the story.

What really breaks my heart is the lack of concern for the most part among those who should care the most. Some estimates have 200,000 people dead while others believe it is closer to 400,000 people. Another 2.5 million have been displaced because of government repression. The Sudan government not only allows a group of Muslim nomads to do whatever they want in villages to people in the northern part of Sudan but also the government gives them support to do it.

These Militia called Janjaweed, which means "devils of horseback" rape the women, kill the men and take the livestock of these villagers. The reason? The Darfur people are black non-Muslim and the janjaweed and the government of Sudan are Arab and Muslim.

If the devastation keeps going the death toll could pass the 500,000 that were killed in the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. If you want to see what happened there a good movie is "Hotel Rwanda."

Why should Christians care? Because these are people!!! These are creations of God that cannot protect themselves and we need to do everything within our power to help keep things like this from ever happening to people.

One of the problems cited in the article with the US interfering is that the Sudan government and the Janjaweed could raise up Islamic extremeist to come there and defeat the evil West.

If you would like to help make a call to your Congressman, Senator or the Presidents office. There is an email you can send to President Bush and Kofi Annan at the UN at the Save Darfu website.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Praise for my wife

My beautiful wife's, Michelle, birthday is September 28th and no I will not reveal her age, as my Dad would say, "I maybe dumb but I am not stupid." In February we will celebrate our 7th year of marriage. We have been through so much in our seven years together. She has moved three times, me twice. We have lived in four different houses and she has given birth to our two children. There have been many other things that have happened to us over that time.

Michelle has always been gracious and loving wife who I love with all my heart. She has faced every challenge that has come her way with a strength that she daily finds in the Lord. She has been a wonderful help in every aspect of my life as a pastor. I am proud to be her husband and can't wait to see what God does in our lives from here on out.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Treadmill improved

As if the treadmill is not the best is a great challenger

Lego Treadmill

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I love silly stuff

I was reading a friends blog today and he had this video up and it is absolutely hysterical! How in the world someone thinks up this stuff I have no clue. But here is the link! I hope you laugh, I know I did

Treadmill Video

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Making a difference

This picture is a delivery that was made this week to a school just a block from our church. It is the school my daughter will be attending kindergarten at this year. I am the dude in the middle back. The guy next to me is Bob Stevenson, the principal at the school and to my right is our WMU director. The kids are some students at the school. Our church collected nearly $1000 worth of school supplies for kids who can't afford them.

Today was awesome as well. We had lunch at our church for the 60+ teachers and staff at the school. Bob introduced me first as a parent and second as the pastor of the church. When he told the teachers that our church was the one who collected all the school supplies, smiles came across all their faces. I was asked by several of the teachers if we could do the luncheon monthly for them. We went all out for this luncheon. We did grilled chicken sandwiches and grilled chicken salads. Our church family really came through on this one. The teachers were very appreciative of what we had done to help them.

These two acts of Christian love I can tell already are going to go a long way in reaching out to that school and those teachers and kids. Please prayer for our church and for Beall Elementary as we seek to make an impact on that place for God.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Football and Life

I was browsing some blogs today and one I came to was from someone that spoke at the Pennsylvania/South Jersey Convention several years ago when I was pastoring there. Alvin Reid is one of the most genuine guys I have met. He wrote this week "Everything I Need to Know About Ministry I Learned Playing High School Football." It is a great help. I have linked it for you but I wanted to relate a story about High School Football and what it taught me.

I had a coach in McKinney, Texas that taught me an important lesson for life through a football analogy. Coach Sam Serio was the coach's name. He always told us that, "If you do your job the scoreboard would take care of itself." He would say something like, men if you linemen will block who your suppose to block, qb you hand or pass the ball to whom you are suppose to, RB you hit the hole you are suppose to and recievers you run the route the way it is suppose to, I promise you the scoreboard will take care of itself and we will win.

Though this was not always correct. We weren't perfect it never seemed to work out the way it was suppose to. You know things happened. A guy on defense would blow up a block and mess up the whole play. The center(me) quaterback exchange would get fumbled or something like that would happen. If we were playing Gainsville in Gainsville their field would be a mud pit and nothing would go right. The thing is that we couldn't focus on one play we had to do it every play even when the last one went bad. We had to play the game for the whole game, not just one or two plays.

The life of a Christ follower is much like that. You do the things that you are suppose to do and the scoreboard of life will take care of yourself. You read, study and absorb God's word, you spend quality time with God daily in prayer, you use your talents and gifts for God the way they are supposed to be used and let yourself be a witness then God will take care of the rest.

Just like football things are never perfect. People lie, cheat, steal and hurt each other. Then for some reason we stop doing what we are supposed to do and start worrying what everyone else is supposed to do. We live in a messed up world where people don't do exactly what they are supposed to do. Just like that football team we need each other. We can't do it alone. We need to encourage, work with and strenghten each other. Then we need to get back on track doing what God wants us to do. Just like football we have to play for the whole game and we are not done till life is over.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I heard a question the other day that made me really think. The question was, “Why do you do what you do?” I mean my father was a Fireman, so there was no family history of being a pastor. As I dwelled on that question more several thoughts ran through my head about why I am a pastor. I thought about God’s call on my life at 15 years old. I thought about my training in college and seminary to prepare me for the ministry. But none of those were the right answer to the question. Then a word came to me that has driven me more than anything else, the word was “passion.”

The word passion means, “A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger.” I started thinking more and more about that word and how it related to my relationship with God and why I am a pastor. I realized that the reason that I want to do what I do is because I have a great passion.

The great passion that I have is for God and God is passionate about people! He loves people for many reasons including because He created people. God passionately seeks out people to bring into fellowship with Him. I set in my heart several years ago that I wanted to be passionate about and for God and I realized that if I was going to be passionate about and for God then I had to be passionate about the things that God is passionate about. As I studied God’s word I realized that one of God’s greatest passion is people. So, as I have pastored over the years I have done things to develop a great passion for people

The problem is that sometimes I lose my passion for God and the things of God. There are different reasons for the loss of passion, but the thing I have to keep coming back to is being passionate. Trust me there are times that I know I could do things that are easier than being a pastor, but the passion God has put inside of me is greater than anything else I could do.

My question for you is why do you do the things for God that you do? Do you do it because of your great passion for God and to see His kingdom come on earth? Or do you do them because of selfishness or a desire for the recognition from people? I challenge you to step up and do the things for God out of a passion for Him and nothing else. Let God be your reason for everything and let everything else take care of itself.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bigger rip off

I wrote last week about the incredibly high price I paid for airfare to Texas. Well, I did a search last weekend and for the same flights and times I could have flown for about half of what it cost me over the 4th of July weekend. What a greedy and crazy world we live in!


Sunday is my daughter's fifth birthday. WOW! How time flies. I wanted to go ahead and write today because I don't think I will be able to before Sunday. Riley is a special joy in my life because I always wanted a little girl and God granted me my prayer. I pray daily that God would help me be a great dad to raise her. She brings joy to my life!

These pictures of Riley were taken at the North Carolina Zoo back in June. She had such a good time she wanted a Zoo birthday party. Well, we couldn't do that so we are do a Carnival theme party on Saturday.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Its a racket!!

Last week on June 29 my Aunt past away from complications of colon cancer. I had know this was coming for some time and had been preparing myself to preach at the service. This meant flying from Pittsburgh or Washington/Baltimore to Dallas. I knew it would be pricey because of the short notice but it became highway robbery...or is it airway robbery? Anyway, for one roundtrip ticket because of July 4th it cost $1290. My cousin, whose mother past away, was paying for my ticket. My parents told me to bring my daugther along with me as well and they would pay for her.

I tried some alternatives. I could have found a cheaper one for about $900 but I would have flown from Pittsburgh to New York, changed planes and then to Dallas. I would have also flown to NY on the way back. By the way the $1290 flight was a direct flight. Something is wrong with that picture.

The time in Texas was good though. I got to spend some time with my brother and his family. Scott is about to start his second year of three years as a Neonatal-Prenatal Fellow at Texas Children's Hospital. I got to hold my one month old nephew Ben. The fun part was that Riley was with me and my other two nephews, Matthew and Andrew, stayed with my parents until we left on Wednesday. The cousins don't get to spend much time with each other so that was a good thing. I know my mom and dad really enjoyed it.

I think the funneist thing that happened during the week was listening to the three kids tell "knock knock" jokes. At the ages of 3, 4, and 5 they don't get the concept of what an good knock knock joke contains. Well, they didn't care they told them anyway and laughed at each one, even though to a grown-up they didn't make sense and were not funny at all.

I am so thankful for my wonderful loving family. God has truly blessed me beyond measure with them.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Woke up in a bad mood this morning

Of course that is because I went to bed in bad mood last night at around midnight est. Yes, I stayed up to watch the heartless Mavs loose four straight games and loose the NBA Finals. I had gotten my hopes up way too high. They beat the Spurs and the Suns and all they had to do was defeat so team from the Eastern Conference. That should be easy right. They beat two of the best teams in the NBA already, they also won the first two games handily. But in the third game I saw it with my own eyes. In that hotel in NC I saw the heart get ripped right out of the Mavs and then two more times, including that 20 something beat down in game 4.

The Mavs had the better team. Evident by the fact that after game three they stayed close in 5 and 6. But D-wade is the best player in the NBA hands down and the pour Mavs had no answer for the guy. Maybe next year...maybe never! I keep thinking maybe the Rangers will when the World Series also!

Just Me

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Still in NC

As a family we are staying till Friday, so we decided to go the NC Zoo in Ashboro today! What a wonderful time. God has created som truly amazing things. God is a creative God. Here are some pics in honor of Steve McCoy whose grandmother had a stroke on Tuesday of the convention. He always has a Phriday is for Photos, so here are some of the ones that I have taken today here in NC!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The End is Near

Actually it is the end. My family and I are back at the hotel after another day at the SBC. For the most part things went well. Had the privilege of hearing Condolezza Rice speak and she is a very engaging and thoughtful speaker.

Frustration had hit me! We have taken and added to what John in Revelation told us NOT to add to! The SBC adopted a resolution that was amended and that basically now goes beyond the biblical mandate of not being drunk to abstinence from Alcohol being a biblical. Wade Burleson does a wonderful job explaining the problems as well as sharing an opportunity of when drinking a glass of wine opened the door for him to share the gospel message and that person responding, well worth the length of the story.

Let me first state I have had three sips of alcohol in my life. When I was a teenager I took a sip of beer and spewed it out all over the place. I drank some Champange on my honeymoon and nearly had the same reaction. In college I tried some kind of lemonade and I really didn't like it. In fact I was telling my dislike of the taste to my mom one day and she said to me, "That's because all your life I have prayed you would hate the taste." When my mom prayers as usual it works. I just wished she had prayed that I dislike Dr. Pepper that much. Which she could not do that because she likes it almost as much as I do! My like for DP is a whole other story about how many times I have been to the Sonic down the street from my hotel, since we don't have any in Maryland. I love a good Sonic Cherry/Vanilla Dr. Pepper!

My question for this convention is where is the resolution on gluttony? Or the one for refraining from Caffeine? Or as others have brought up that sexual addiction is a problem so we should tell everyone to stop having sex. I don't drink coffee but I am sure if we took all the coffee pots out of the churches in America because caffeine is addictive and can be harmful that the Sunday School attendance in the SBC would drop dramatically. I also walked around the convention hall this week looking at the waste lines of the SBC knowing that we would not hear a sermon or a resolution on gluttony. I guess I need to start working out more and I will write the resolution for next year!

When are we going to start majoring on the majors and minoring on the minors. As the old Texas Proverb says, "Life is to short especially when you are stupid!" Or as another saying I like goes, "The enemy is before us and they are looking in a mirror!" For those of you who don't get that think to the Revolutionary War and the phrase, "Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes."

I am all about tearing every human barrier that I can that keeps people away from understanding the good news of the gospel. I pray we have not as a convention erected another barrier that people will just look at and say, "Well that is just too high a standard" and walk away!

When are we going to learn to engage the culture with the truth of the inerrant word of God instead of turning off the culture with our bad interpretations of that word?

With that said I want to say that I am glad the Resolutions Committee was wise about one that concerned me. I am glad for Resolution 10 on the Public School System. It is sensible and speaks in a positive manner to help encourage those who teach and send their kids to public schools. I will be one of those people who sends their children to public schools. My daughter starts kindergarten in the fall at the school a block from our house. In fact I got an email from the principal tonight with a list of school supplies for each grade and the number of under privilged students in each grade to see if we can help out with some of their supplies.

My hope and prayer is that God would do great things through the SBC in spite of oursleves and most of all inspite of me!

Monday, June 12, 2006

We Made It!

It was a long day and it just about did us in, but we did it! It's monday morning and we are in our hotel in High Point, NC. Yeah, it is not Greesnboro, but that is a whole long story in itself I will not go into at this time. We got in about 10 PM last night after leaving the metro Frostburg area at 1:30. I am learning better what it means to travel with kids. I am one of those, get on the road and go until you absolutely have to stop. With an almost 1 year old and almost 5 year old that means about every two hours. For me a meal would be drive thru and back on the road, with kids it is sit down for an hour. I guess my dad spoiled me on getting there quick.

A few highlights of the trip: God's beautiful creation! We took our trek through West Virginia first and then a little of Virginia and the NC. God never ceases to amaze me at how creative a God He is. The valleys that we passed over and the rivers were just awesome.

I love trips also for the interesting things you see, like signs. We are in West Virginia near Beckley I think and there is a sign of a BBQ place, "Dirty Ernie's Ribs-Gifts." I told my wife, "Only in WV."

We also passed over the largest Arch Bridge in the western Hemisphere over New River.

This morning we are going to get ready and head over to the Pastor's Conference and attend some of the interesting sessions.

My five year old is laying next to me as I blog this morning!

Oh yeah! One more awesome thing....HOW BOUT THOSE MAVS!!!!!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

SBC in Greensboro

I guess I am a glutton for punishment. I am taking my family to the Southern Baptist Convention this week. This will be my second venture in the national conventions main stage. The last time I went to Dallas in 1997 and spent the day there mainly visiting with friends. Had lunch with Calvin Miller who gave me some great pastoral advice, I will not dispense with it here but it had to do staying away from over aggressive women.

I am almost more excited for my 4 almost 5 year old daughter and the fun she is going to have in "Rescue 911." My wife grew up Methodist so this is her first venture into SBC, besides what I update her on in the 6 years we have been married.

I am biblically conservative, which means the direction that the SBC has gone in regards to the bible I strongly support. I have no personal friendships or acquaintances with any of the leadership. I did serve as Second Vice President and First Vice President of the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey. I am now in the Maryland/Delaware state convention and serve in no capacity at this time. I am concerned with some of the things that are going on in the SBC. I have tried to keep updated with events over the years. Which means that I have been reading some blogs. I have read Wade Burelson, Marty Duren, Steve McCoy, and many others. I constantly read BP.

I am concerned that the SBC has lost its direction and focus to seek personal agendas clouded in what is best. This is not a new revelation. I have always felt that way.I was there when Russell Dilday was fired at SWBTS. I understand the reason and agreed he needed to leave, I did think it was handled improperly. I enjoyed Ken Hemphill, took his 1 Corinthians class and enjoyed it immensely.

The problem is, I believe, is that the convention has become a cult of personality. Though the majority of the churches in the SBC are under 75 in attendance we keep promoting these mega church pastor's for the presidency. Page, Sutton, and Floyd I am sure are Godly men and are doing great things for the kingdom of God for their ministry, but do they understand the struggles, hardships, and headaches of a small church pastor. I don't know if any of them have ever served in a small church atmosphere. I remember in seminary that almost every pastor who spoke in chapel was from a large church. I don't remember a small church pastor coming. Could be my bad memory.

Who will I vote for as President. I will not vote for Floyd. I have had two friends that have served on his staff and they rave about the man. I went to college in Arkansas and have an acquaintance with his ministry. I have seen some of his sermons and appreciate him as a pastor, but the CP giving bothers me and I believe that should matter. If the people of our churches are urged to give 10% then the church should move in that same direction. My church gives 8% of undesignated to CP causes.

As for Page and Sutton I don't really know. Page seems to be a nice guy and his church gives a strong percentage to CP, as does Sutton. I met Sutton at SWBTS when I was a student. He seems like a genuinely nice guy as well.

My hope for this convention is that we would move back to be a convention of the common Southern Baptist. I want to see us continue to stand strong for God's word and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ without alienating ourselves from people and hurting the cause of Christ more.

By the way, why isn't someone standing up and making a resolution that the people of the SBC to stand up and pray for the school's and teachers of nation instead of alienating ourselves from teachers and parents that we are trying to reach. Our church is adopting the school down the street. We are providing school supplies for underprivileged children as well lunch for the teachers during their first day back to school in August.

I am looking forward to meeting some old friends, making some new ones and listening to McManus and Searcy again at the Pastor's Conference. I am also looking forward to hearing Casting Crowns again as well on Wednesday.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Why I Like Mark Driscoll

I have written about why I like 24 before and here is Mark talking about some of the reasons I love the show.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Late, but needed to update

Well, its midnight eastern and my wife and kids are in bed and I can't go to sleep. I am watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter." I love this show for many reasons, mainly just because of the compassion that he shows many times at the end. But I am not here tonight to talk about Dog.

Two great things happened in my life yesterday. One was my nephew was born to my brother and his wife. Benjamin is joined by older brothers Matthew and Andrew. I don't to see these guys that much because they live in Houston and I in Maryland, but you guys are loved and prayed for often.

The other things is we have a closing date for our house. We are going to be gone that day, but it will all work out. I am so thankful God has allowed that burdened to be lifted off our shoulders. I will never be rich but to know that we can live without going further into to debt and pay off some things is a wonderful feeling.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Renewal, Revival, heck just get up and do something for GOD!!!

I am tired of the life that most people live for God. It seems to be such a mundane existence. There are times that I wish I could grab people and tell them to "WAKE UP!" Wake up to all the great things that God has for you. Wake up to the opportunities you have to be blessed by the one that has created you. Wake up because so many times we forget that the one who created us has such a better life for us to live if we would just drop all the excess baggage that we hang onto or if we would just get up off our comfortable pew and actually serve Him the way He wants us to.

God desires so much more and He has so much more to offer us if we could stop our petty bickering, jealousy, and overall selfishness and start worrying about things that really matter. I feel like I am standing in the muck of the Christian world and it is time to back up the truck and pull me out.

I was reading a friends blog the other day and he was calling for a revolution. That's what I want! A revolution of peoples souls. A revolution of the church! It's time the church starting standing up and act like the God given entity that we are suppose to be. It's not about a building! It's not about carpet or color or anything else. It's about making a difference for God's Kingdom!

I don't want to exist is this world anymore! I want to make an impact on people! I want to help take them from where they are and help them go to where God wants to be! I am willing to put away my selfish pride and ask the question, "Is this going to make a difference for God's Kingdom?" If it is not then why in the world are we still doing it, using it or talking about it.

I want a revolution! A revolution in the hearts and minds of those who call themselves Christ Followers! Stop being wimps and start acting like a special recreation of GOD!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What a Day!!!!

I am sitting in my NEW recliner watching the Suns/Lakers game. This day started early and was fully of good surprises for our family. Michelle and I had decided earlier in the week to get a baby sitter for today and go up to our house where we used to live in Tyrone, PA and knock a few things out to hopefully see it sell a little quicker. So we get up early this morning and get some things ready and our sitter comes around 8:15 and we get out the door around 8:30. We have an hour and a half drive in front of us.

We get about 45 minutes away from Frostburg in a dead area for the cell phone. Then it beeps at me and I have a voice message. It is our realtor, we have an offer!!!!!! It was a little lower than we wanted to go. Michelle and I drove a little further and discussed everything and decided to counter to a better point for us.

So, all this work that we had decided to do now seemed ridiculous. I had one thing that I wanted to finish. We called our realtor right before we were going to leave the house and she said she would go pick up the contract and bring it so we could sign it with our counter and hope they would accept it so we would not have to head back to Tyrone again.

We had just finished signing all the paper work and the realtor and I are talking on the front porch and her phone rings. WE HAVE A DEAL...small counter back but Michelle and I can handle it.

We head to Altoona to do some shopping and eat at one of our favorite restuarants. It was like a date with my wife. The restaurant has changed its menu. The two things I really liked before are now off the menu. But it is all good....the house is sold

What a wonderfully exhausting day! God surely blessed us through all this and helped us to sell that house. No we can pay off debt and start saving for another house.

On the spiritual side of this sell is a prayer. We have been praying for over a year this house would sell. Our new church had been praying, our old church had been praying, family and friends. Well, Friday night I am praying, knowing someone had looked at the house at 4:00 that afternoon and I say to God, "You know what would be really cool if we were driving up tomorrow and we get a call from our realtor with an offer."

I believe in the power of prayer!!!! Its not like a new revelation to me, because I have always believed in prayer's power. This was just one more conformation from God to me about its power.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

She Got Me

Last Wednesday was my birthday. I turned 35. I figure I have lived at least half my life thus far. Wow, I have a lot more living to do. My wife took me out to eat to my favorite restaurant in town. We came home and then my worship leader needed something moved from upstairs to the fellowship hall. So I went over and went in and all these people are sitting there in the dark. They got me! The first time I have ever been gotten like that. The first church I pastored tried once but I found out about it.

My wife is good. She is a wonderful woman that I am blessed to share time on this earth with. God has truly blessed me. Many of you will agree that I married well over my head. All good men do. She is a wonderful wife and mother to our two kids.

The funny part of the day was my 4 year old daughter kept telling Michelle that I had to have a cake. I could not have a birthday without a cake. Well, I got my cake!


Monday, April 10, 2006

I feel I must speak or write or whatever

With the onslaught of bogus information about Jesus I feel I must at least touch on some of the things that have recently happened and things that are to come.

First, I must touch on the coming National Geographic publishing of the lost "Gospel according to Judas." Let me say that a former classmate of mine a Southwestern Seminary, Bill Victor has written on this and done an outstanding job. If you would like to view what he has to say click here: For one Bill has a PHD and secondly he is smarter than I.

My take is this. It was not lost! It has actually been around for centuries but dubbed not to be trustworthy by the early church. In fact the earliest manuscript of this book comes around 150 years after the death of Christ. We have manuscripts of the four Gospels that date as early as 30 years after Christ death. This is another of the extra biblical books that have floated around for years. Books like the Gospel According to Thomas. These books were not accepted by the early church because they were declared not authentic. Plus their teaching contradicts teaching in other parts of scripture. Remember we must interpret scripture with scripture.

We can trust the Bible that we have, completely!

My second rant has to do with the upcoming release of the movie, "The Da Vinci Code." This movies is based on Dan Brown's best selling book by the same name. Besides great sales what lends this movie more credibility with some people is the presence of Tom Hanks in the lead role. I am sure many people will unwittingly head to the box office just because he is in it. The first problem with the book and the movie is that they are both fiction, but many people have taken the book and I am sure they will with the movie, hook, line and sinker.

The book gets its title from Leonardo Da Vinci who along with other notables like Sir Isaac Newton and Victor Hugo were members of a secret society entrusted with the truth about Jesus. The secret of this group (The Priory of Sion) is that Jesus had a daughter by Mary Magdalene. Mary, according to the Priory, was the true Holy Grail who bore the royal bloodline of Jesus on earth. This, according to the professor, is a fact the church will kill to suppress.

The Book also claims that Jesus was not espoused as being God until the 4th century by the Roman Catholic Church. They also claim that the Roman leader Constantine commissioned the creation of the bible that eliminated all the books that spoke of Jesus Christ humanity an embellished those books that made him godlike.

If that isn't enough there are many more claims that the book makes that make me sick. Know this, that researchers have looked over the many manuscripts of the Bible and always find them reliable.

In The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable, F. F. Bruce writes, "To sum up, we may quote the verdict of the late Sir Frederic Kenyon, a scholar whose authority to make pronouncements on ancient MSS was second to none: 'The interval then between the data of original composition and the earliest extant evidence become so small to be in fact negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scripture have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established' " (; The Bible and Archaeology, New York and London: Harper, 1940).

Those are just some quick thoughts. There are many more out there who have a better handle than I do on these subjects, but I am sure as you search the truth earnestly, you will find what I have found. These works are not worth the time or the money.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Mess

It is called my desk! Actually it is my office. I have never have been known as a neat freak, but it seems that this thing never gets cleared off. There is alwasy something cluttering up my office. I have these two huge green empty tubs in my office that need to go downstairs. I have a box of stuff that just probably needs to go to the trash. I think it is time for a good spring cleaning in the office. I know many people thatwork hard to spring clean. They move their furniture around and vaccum where they normally don't. The dust everything and clean all the windows. They go over their house with a fine tooth comb.

Sometimes we need that in our lives. To take time out in life and reflect on the things we do, the stuff we have and just do a personal spring cleaning. Get rid of the junk that is in our lives and stop doing it.

Spring offers so many opportunities for us in our lives. The ability to take out and breath in some fresh air and relax. The opportunity to notice the beauty of the Makers creation. Time to think about working off that 10 extra pounds, or in my case 20, that we gained over winter trying to stay warm.

Spring is a time of refreshment and renewal. Lawns start turning green and growing after lying dorment all summer. Trees start to bud and flowers begin to bloom. What a wonderful time of year.

Though along with all these growing things something else happens. The weeds start to come in and you have to do things to make sure they don't take over.

Take time to do a personal clean-up and clean-out. Do those things that will make your life better. Take time to enjoy the life that God has given you and strength you walk with Him.

Enjoy this time of the year and take time to lay some foundational practices for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Welcome to Alaska

Not really, but I like to complain about all the cold weather. I am looking at weatherbug on my computer and it is flashing 20 degrees and the snow is on the way. I guess it is my Texas upbringing, where it rarely got in the 20's and only as late as February. I have not lived in Texas in almost 8 years. Actually I have lived more outside the state in my adult life than I have lived in the state. That includes the 4 years I was on the mission field in Arkansas.

I really have enjoyed being in different parts of the country. Seeing the differences and the similarities. The common thing I have found during this time is where ever I have been people are virtually the same. Whether it is the mountain man in Colorado, the factory worker in Pennsylvania, or the people of Maryland, they all want to be cared for in their lives. They want to know that they matter, their life means something. I think that is one of the main things I have enjoyed about living in small town America, that people take time to get to know each other and show they care.

I enjoy going back and visiting my parents in Texas, but I think I get a good dose of reality. My life is less complicated in Frostburg, Maryland than it would be in Dallas, Texas and I enjoy that. I wish sometimes for the choices that come from living in a bigger city, but I will trade that any day for the simple life of living in Frostburg, Maryland at least for right now

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I was reading Mark Driscoll's blog (Mark is the Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington) tonight and he had met Chuck Colson the other day at a luncheon and got Colson to answer some questions. If you would like to read the whole thing you can do that here:

One question in particular caught my eye. I have cut and pasted it here.

Question from Mark Driscoll: Does the greatest threat to Christianity come from forces outside the church, or from inside the church, through leaders who are more like Judas than Jesus?

Answer from Chuck Colson: The answer to your third question about whether the greatest threats are from inside or outside the church is "both." I get nauseous about some of the things that go on in the church. In fact, I'm comforted by Niebuhr who once said that the church of Jesus Christ is like Noah's ark; the stench inside would be unbearable if it weren't for the storm outside. I'm in favor of cleaning up the stench, and also navigating through the storm.

As I read that I really got slapped upside the head. As a pastor of church I often think that sometimes what is inside the church is worse than dealing with people outside the church. Sometimes Christians act worse that non-Christians. I have said for years that church would be great if were not for the people. Colson using the illustration from Niebuhr hit a home run for me. As bad as it is on the inside sometimes, it is worse on the outside.

As I work and live my life to be what God wants me to be, I need to work harder at cleaning up the stench on the inside of the place God has me. So often I think that the grass might be greener on the other side but it never has been and never will be.

So it is time for me to get on the shovel and the pitch fork and work towards making this a better place to navigate through storm.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Weather

Well I am sitting inside my office working on Sunday's sermon and browsing. Most of the snow is melted around the house because it is sunny and warm here today. I am glad! I am ready for the snow to be over. Don't get me wrong I like living in the cold, especially after spending the majority of my life so far in Texas. We went there for Christmas this year and it was in the 80's the whole time.

With Frostburg weather you have two seasons, winter and wind! Today it is wind. Since we live on the side of a hill I am waiting for something to go flying across the yard and preferable this time not my grill.

There are two things I own that I value above about any other, my recliner (which has been replaced by a newer lazy boy sleeps very well!!) and my grill. Well, the grill has been really beat up since moving here a year ago. The wind treats it like a red headed step child. One day I walked out and the wind had rolled it down a handicap ramp and into the church. Yes, we live in the church parsonage about 10 feet away from the church. From that the lid partially cracked. I have plans on replacing it sometime around by bday in April. After all the cash comes in from my friends and family for my bday.

We went back to Pennsylvania yesterday to check in on the house we still pay a mortgage and utilities on. We signed with a new real estate agent and are hoping for some good results. Good results being she sells it by the end of the I am a little more realistic than that...we just really need it to sell!!! It has been a year since we moved out and we don't like paying for it.

Nothing else going on here....just some more running around and doing the same ole, same ole.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Dentist Visit

I went to the dentist today. This is a new one for me, so it was an initial check. I was talking to him about my two front teeth, one is longer than the other and I wanted to know what it would take to fix the problem. He tells me that they would probably have to break my lower jaw to set it right and then do some work to straigthen up my teeth. Geez, not the answer I was looking for to my question. I mean let's place a stick of dynamite in my mouth and light that sucker up and see if that works. I was thinking something simple like grinding the longer one down a little bit to make it not look so bad.

Perfection, that is what so many people want in their life. They want the perfect teeth, the perfect car, the perfect body, the perfect wife (sorry everyone I already have that one), or the perfect job. We are never satisfied with what God has given us. When is God going to be enough for me or anyone else. When I am I going to realize that God created me and has everything I need if I will just stop trying to get there on my own. I struggle and struggle, but I will never be satisfied until I am ready to stop trying and start trust God.

Trust is not easy for us. I know many of you are a lot like me. If you sit in the passenger seat of a car you are constantly using the chicken brake. God wants us to trust Him for everything. Not for what we think is best for us, but for what He knows is best for us. We spend too much time trying to get there instead of realizing we have arrived when we trust God for everything in our lives. Step back look at life from God's perspective and work on those areas that He is concerned about, the areas of our character, and stop worrying about thost things you are concerned with. I'm sorry those three fingers are pointing back at me!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Olympics of life

My wife and I have enjoyed watching some of the winter Olympics in the evening. We do enjoy watching the figure skating together. Though we prefer watching the pairs and ladies the most. Sorry, I don't want to mess up someone's "aura." The one thing my wife and I wished we had was a "Dick Button mute button" on our remote. He is one of the commentators that he has nothing good to say about anyone that skates. I mean if I ever heard someone comment on me like he does, I would give up the sport.

Wait as people we do that all the time to each other. We talk bad about other people to make ourselves look good. I am as guilty as the other person. Man I just need to go live on an island somewhere to insulate myself from this mean world.

We can't do that unfortunately, or at least I can't. I am sure there is someone rich enough out there that could do that if they tried. I have not been blessed in that way. I on the other hand live in a glass house that is out there for all to see. I am a pastor and if I do something that someone doesn't like I can be easily criticized for it. Here I go off to that island again.

God did not place us here to go off and hide everytime things get hard. He placed us here to purify us and make us better Christ followers. We have to take our lumps along the way and pray that we don't go insane in the process. Man I have so much to learn!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Life and something like it...

I feel like the life I am living is a little too crazy. These past two weeks have been torture on me and my family. My wife has endured so much I there was something I could do to really show her how much I appreciate her and what she does for us.

I have already written about the illness that has run through our family. Well, it hit my son on Monday and my daughter again early Tuesday morning. We had to go to the ER with my son on Valentine's Day. Now my daughter has bed bugs in her room. When is it all going to stop.

Michelle decided she needed out of the house so she took the kids to the mall (that's a good joke for later) and to get Riley's hair cut. Tomorrow night Michelle and I get to go out and celebrate our sixth year of marriage. Our anniversary is actually Sunday, but I have to work.

I really appreciate my wife. She has endured a lot being married to me and I am sure there is a big reward in heaven for it. She is my best friend and I value you her more than she will ever know.

Life has its little rewards for me. The joy of my wife and kids, the joy of knowing I have a hope and a future that has been taken care of, and the joy of enjoying the life God has given me.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sorry I have been absent...

This last week was a little nuts. Let's start back with last Sunday and recap the week. My daughter wakes up early in the morning sick from a stomach virus...What joy. Then that afternoon my recliner decides to kick the bucket. I have stuff going on Monday through Wednesday since I have taken over helping our Campus Ministry. Then Wednesday evening hits with our Church Business Meeting...I will not go into that here. Wednesday night my wife starts feeling sick. Yes, she gets what my daughter had. Not a good time for all this to be going on. Thursday is a very busy day without her being sick and me having to stay home with the kids. Well, God knew what he was doing this day. I was able to farm out our 4 year old daughter to a friends house until 1:30 PM and then again during the early evening to another friends. I stayed home with mom and son the rest of the day. Since the son is six months he sleeps a lot which is a good thing. If he is awake he is content to lay on the floor and role around with a bunch of toys around him. I was able to work on my sermon some that day and get some stuff done around the house and help my wife to stay in bed to rest and recover from her bout with the stomach virus.

That evening we had a Senior Adult Sweetheart dinner. This is one of those cases God putting the right people in place to pull it off and me being able to stay out of the way. I had a lady do a wonderful job decorating a pretty bland social hall. I had a lady with some friends cook a wonderful dinner and a friend of my who is really into Big Band music of the 20's,30', and 40's did the entertainment. He played some songs, sang some songs and told some jokes. The people loved it. One lady was crying because she had had such a good time after it was all over.

Friday was pretty normal. Took my daughter to pre-k and then to the hospital to spend time with a man who had rotator cuff surgery. I went to a furniture store to dream about buying a new recliner and then back to pick up my daughter. Riley and I did a date. Took her to lunch at Burger King so she could go play in the indoor playground. Chicken and Fries for her, her normal, for me it was the tender grilled sandwich and fries, should have had onion rings. Went home so Riley could take a nap and then did some stuff over at the church and went home. We ordered pizza and Michelle and I got to watch a movie together, Just Like Heaven. Yeah, I know it was for her, but last week we rented The Great Raid for me.

Saturday I final got up around nine, Michelle let me sleep it...thanks babe. Turns out I needed it. I started getting some of the same feelings my wife and daugther got earlier in the week. I sucked it up and went to see Curious George with the family. I used to love that book. The movie was funny and I loved hearing my daughter burst out into laughter. At times I think she was the loudest in the group. The cool thing now is they have booster seats for kids to sit in. Man I hated that when I was little, getting folded up in the chair because I wasn't big enough to hold it down.

Came home and it was all over except the hugging of the toliet and no sleep that night for fear of not making it to the bathroom in time.

Sunday was a good day at church inspight of the 4 inches of snow we got here. Not near as much as an hour away...13 inches in Hagerstown Maryland. I felt good enough to go out to eat with my wife's family for her Dad's b-day that afternoon.

Needless to say I hate going through the stomach virus. I am not a prophet but for some reason I mentioned that I hate the stomach flu in last weeks sermon. I was talking about how we all face difficult times in our lives and we may not understand why, but we must realize that God is still in control of things and he is wise enough to handle our problems. The hardest part of all that is putting my pride down long enough to let God take control of a situation. We like ourselves too much and think we are smart enough to figure out what is best. I personally think I would be a lot smarter without technology (Somone please teach me Html). Sit back and enjoy the life your creator has given you and cast all your cares upon Him and He will take care of you.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Night the Recliner died

Yes, it is official it bit the dust. It was a great recliner, given to me by my parents almost eight years ago. My wonderful Lazy-boy! Well, tonight it was sat in for the last time. One of the pieces of wood that holds it together split in half and now it leans heavily to that side and does not rock. I will miss my wonderful recliner. Where I spent many a wonderful afternoon inspecting the back of my eye lids. I will remember those first days we were together in my condo in Colorado. The 4th of July I took it outside and sat back and watched the fire works. The time I spent rocking my daughter and my son. There were times that you slept better than the bed I owned. You will be greatly missed! I hope that one day I can afford to purchase another recliner that can live up to your high standard of excellence.

If any of you would like to help, please make checks payable to Chris Walls and mark in the memo line Recliner Relief Fund. I assure you that no part of your donation will be used for administrative purposes.

Why do I feel like Jack Bauer

I love watching 24. It is the only show that I don't want to miss. The suspense of it all makes me stay on the edge of my seat. This season I have to record it because I have a meeting at 9 pm on Mondays. Actually I kind of like it that way, I tape the show and then I can sit down and watch it and skip the commercials.

I feel like my life is sometimes like Jack Bauer's. Instead of being called 24, it should be called...365. I am constantly on the go. Yesterday I was offered to speak at a youth camp this summer. I said, "No!" It was an accomplishment for me in some ways. In the past I have had the attitude if God opened a door for me I was willing to do it. But, I had some reservations about the camp in the first place as well as my time is being eaten up by so many things I didn't want to do it. You know it is sad when you and your wife have to sit down on a regular basis, get out both of your calendars and sync them together.

This weekend was a fun one. My wife is so good to me...she let's me sleep when our son or daugther gets up in the middle of the night, especially on Saturday nights since I have to preach on Sundays. Well, at 2:15 Sunday morning I hear my wife calling my name from my daughters room. I rush over and my daugther has resurrected her dinner all over herself and her bad. Spagetti is not the prettiest thing the second time around. My wife and I have a good working relationship with our kids ralphing. She can handle the act, but not the smell for clean-up. I can't handle the act, but I can handle the clean-up. So my wife proceeds to leave the room and I start the clean up process. I get back to bed about an hour later and then asleep a little while after that. I get up later that morning, off to church to preach my sermon, "Our problem with God."

I have learned life doesn't slow down. But it is good to know that in the rush of it all I can come home, sit down in my recliner (by the way, it is falling apart so if anyone would like to donate a new one feel free) and relax knowing that all the this chaos hopefully will make a difference in someone's life one day. That is what Solomon tells us in Chapter 3 of Ecclesiates...enjoy the life God has given us.

Monday, February 06, 2006

My family this past Christmas Eve Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Found my brain at the local 7/11

One of my college professors had a sign that hung on his door that gets more true each day. It read, "I have gone out to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please hold me here until I return." The more I think about it the more true it is for my life. Tonight I got a wonderful joy. I was laying in the floor playing with my daughter before she went to bed. As I tossed here up in the air she would laugh and giggle. I then climbed into my recliner with her and three books to read to her. I really love spending that time with her. She choose to have Mommy take her upstairs to bed this night. She gives me big hugs and kisses and heads toward her mother and mom hands me Carson, our six month old. One big and stinky problem, he had a little package for me. This was one of those fun ones that you McMinn will soon learn about. The kind that heads up the back.

I get tomorrow off. Take my daughter to school and go to breakfast with my wife!!!! Hopefully the weekend will be a relaxing one...probably cold here in Frostburg...yes it lives up to its name.

This is part of my son Carson is not pictured. Posted by Picasa