Thursday, February 01, 2007

God's Humor

So, I write about Renee Alston's book "Stumbling Toward Faith" this morning and mention that I never read it. Well, God must want me to read it because this afternoon I bought it. Why do I say God wants me to read it? Well, the store I found it in is a hit and miss thing.

If you are ever in the Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania region of the country you need to check out Ollies Bargain Outlet. This store gets seconds, discontinued and overstock stuff. Their motto is, "Good Stuff Cheap." Well, over the years I have stocked my library full of really good books from this place, usually 50 to 75% off retail. The thing is you never know what they are going to find and sometimes you go in and it is the same stuff week to week. Just to give you and idea of the savings I have found, I bought a copy of "The Message" for $14.99 that retails for $39.99. I purchased a "Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance" there for $12.99 that retails for $39.99. I have bought "Blue Like Jazz" and "Searching for God Knows What" there and many other books. I have a small book budget and this store makes it go farther.

But I digress! I walk in this afternoon and sitting at the front of a row of books (usually a row of books contains 10 different books so you have to look through the whole row to see what is in there) is Renee Alston's book for $3.99. It is the only copy I saw in the whole store. So, I will begin to read it soon. Just skimming the book it looks really good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip to check out Ollie's. I just posted a blog concerning the store... and gave credit to you as the "tip man".

