Monday, September 18, 2006

Praise for my wife

My beautiful wife's, Michelle, birthday is September 28th and no I will not reveal her age, as my Dad would say, "I maybe dumb but I am not stupid." In February we will celebrate our 7th year of marriage. We have been through so much in our seven years together. She has moved three times, me twice. We have lived in four different houses and she has given birth to our two children. There have been many other things that have happened to us over that time.

Michelle has always been gracious and loving wife who I love with all my heart. She has faced every challenge that has come her way with a strength that she daily finds in the Lord. She has been a wonderful help in every aspect of my life as a pastor. I am proud to be her husband and can't wait to see what God does in our lives from here on out.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Treadmill improved

As if the treadmill is not the best is a great challenger

Lego Treadmill

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I love silly stuff

I was reading a friends blog today and he had this video up and it is absolutely hysterical! How in the world someone thinks up this stuff I have no clue. But here is the link! I hope you laugh, I know I did

Treadmill Video