Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Late, but needed to update

Well, its midnight eastern and my wife and kids are in bed and I can't go to sleep. I am watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter." I love this show for many reasons, mainly just because of the compassion that he shows many times at the end. But I am not here tonight to talk about Dog.

Two great things happened in my life yesterday. One was my nephew was born to my brother and his wife. Benjamin is joined by older brothers Matthew and Andrew. I don't to see these guys that much because they live in Houston and I in Maryland, but you guys are loved and prayed for often.

The other things is we have a closing date for our house. We are going to be gone that day, but it will all work out. I am so thankful God has allowed that burdened to be lifted off our shoulders. I will never be rich but to know that we can live without going further into to debt and pay off some things is a wonderful feeling.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Renewal, Revival, heck just get up and do something for GOD!!!

I am tired of the life that most people live for God. It seems to be such a mundane existence. There are times that I wish I could grab people and tell them to "WAKE UP!" Wake up to all the great things that God has for you. Wake up to the opportunities you have to be blessed by the one that has created you. Wake up because so many times we forget that the one who created us has such a better life for us to live if we would just drop all the excess baggage that we hang onto or if we would just get up off our comfortable pew and actually serve Him the way He wants us to.

God desires so much more and He has so much more to offer us if we could stop our petty bickering, jealousy, and overall selfishness and start worrying about things that really matter. I feel like I am standing in the muck of the Christian world and it is time to back up the truck and pull me out.

I was reading a friends blog the other day and he was calling for a revolution. That's what I want! A revolution of peoples souls. A revolution of the church! It's time the church starting standing up and act like the God given entity that we are suppose to be. It's not about a building! It's not about carpet or color or anything else. It's about making a difference for God's Kingdom!

I don't want to exist is this world anymore! I want to make an impact on people! I want to help take them from where they are and help them go to where God wants to be! I am willing to put away my selfish pride and ask the question, "Is this going to make a difference for God's Kingdom?" If it is not then why in the world are we still doing it, using it or talking about it.

I want a revolution! A revolution in the hearts and minds of those who call themselves Christ Followers! Stop being wimps and start acting like a special recreation of GOD!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What a Day!!!!

I am sitting in my NEW recliner watching the Suns/Lakers game. This day started early and was fully of good surprises for our family. Michelle and I had decided earlier in the week to get a baby sitter for today and go up to our house where we used to live in Tyrone, PA and knock a few things out to hopefully see it sell a little quicker. So we get up early this morning and get some things ready and our sitter comes around 8:15 and we get out the door around 8:30. We have an hour and a half drive in front of us.

We get about 45 minutes away from Frostburg in a dead area for the cell phone. Then it beeps at me and I have a voice message. It is our realtor, we have an offer!!!!!! It was a little lower than we wanted to go. Michelle and I drove a little further and discussed everything and decided to counter to a better point for us.

So, all this work that we had decided to do now seemed ridiculous. I had one thing that I wanted to finish. We called our realtor right before we were going to leave the house and she said she would go pick up the contract and bring it so we could sign it with our counter and hope they would accept it so we would not have to head back to Tyrone again.

We had just finished signing all the paper work and the realtor and I are talking on the front porch and her phone rings. WE HAVE A DEAL...small counter back but Michelle and I can handle it.

We head to Altoona to do some shopping and eat at one of our favorite restuarants. It was like a date with my wife. The restaurant has changed its menu. The two things I really liked before are now off the menu. But it is all good....the house is sold

What a wonderfully exhausting day! God surely blessed us through all this and helped us to sell that house. No we can pay off debt and start saving for another house.

On the spiritual side of this sell is a prayer. We have been praying for over a year this house would sell. Our new church had been praying, our old church had been praying, family and friends. Well, Friday night I am praying, knowing someone had looked at the house at 4:00 that afternoon and I say to God, "You know what would be really cool if we were driving up tomorrow and we get a call from our realtor with an offer."

I believe in the power of prayer!!!! Its not like a new revelation to me, because I have always believed in prayer's power. This was just one more conformation from God to me about its power.