Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It is official! WE ARE HOME!. We got back to Frostburg around 1:00 PM Tuesday. Hudson is sleeping well and doing all the other things that babies do. We are so thankful that God took care of him during this time. Now we need to recuperate before my mom heads back to Texas on Tuesday.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Good News

Hudson will probably be coming home tomorrow (Tuesday). He is doing really well and we are very thankful for all the prayers from all our friends. God has definitely blessed us and we are thankful to have been at such a good hospital as WVU. It almost enables me to be a Mountaineers fan (NOT). I will write if we get to go home tomorrow.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Hudson Samuel

The last 24+ hours have been crazy. Hudson on Thurs started running a fever which is very unusual with infants only three weeks old. Friday morning we took him to the Ped and they had him admitted to the hospital in Cumberland, MD where he was born about 15 miles from Frostburg. They ran cultures on blood and did a lumbar punch (spinal). The LP came back with bacteria and so he was transfered to West Virginia University Hospital in Morgantown last nit about 12 AM. As of right now 10:56 AM he is doing well. They do not think what he has is bacterial in nature (ie meningitis) but they do think it could be viral. They have him on antibiotics. Pray that it is viral and he will get out at the latest Monday. If it is bacterial it will be 7-14 days before he gets out because of antibiotics.

Michelle and I are tired and Riley and Carson are with my mom who was still in town. We are very thankful for that.

We appreciate any and all prayers from our friends.