Friday, September 05, 2008

All things Texas!

I was born and raised in the Great State of Texas. I am proud of my Texas heritage and all things Texas. I have noticed living in the "Free State," Maryland, some interesting things. First, the "Free State" is not at all "Free." It cost money to live here and a lot of it. But, that is anywhere. Second is the North East is obsessed with Texas. Let me prove my point. We have restaurants called, "Texas Roadhouse," "Texas Grillhouse," "Texas Steakhouse and Saloon," and yes in Pennsylvania there is, "Austin's Texas Hotdogs." Their version of what a "Texas Hotdog" is and my version are different. A "Texas Hot dog" to me is a hot dog with chili, onions, and cheese on it. Well, they put some kind of sauce on it that tastse horrible. It does not stop there. I was in Weis Market today and saw a box of, "Texas Veggie Burgers." Personally that is an oxymoron. Texas is the king of the cattle industry and those three words do not go together. Of course there is also "Texas Toast."
I am glad that so many people think so highly of my home state, but are we carrying it a little too far?