Thursday, October 19, 2006

Former Golden Boy of the SBC

With all the things happening at Southwestern Seminary, the institution I hold an Master of Divinity from, I feel I need to respond. Dwight McKissic preached at chapel earlier this semester and spoke of his private prayer language. Obviously SWBTS President Page Patterson did not like his view on the subject because McKissic's message was taken off the website for people to be able to view and then this week President Patterson had the trustees, McKissic is a trustee, vote on a new policy of restriction of anyone that has a private prayer language at SWBTS.

For more info on the story read the letter to the trustees from Dr. Patterson and Dr. McKissic's response at SBC Outpost or this article on Dr. McKissic's sermon at SWBTS at Associated Baptist Press

What is funny to me is that McKissic was the Golden Boy of the SBC back in October 2001. He was a board member of the BGCT and asked the board to affirm inerrancy, BP Article

In a story by BP about McKissic at his resolution that was present the SBTC. About half way down you find this...

"As their first act of business, messengers approved a statement on the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible written by Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington. "I simply wanted to introduce a resolution on biblical inerrancy that I don't have to read now, but want to make sure it's accepted here. By the way," he added, "this is the same motion that was rejected by the executive board of the BGCT."

SBTC President Ruben Hernandez thanked McKissic for the statement and said, "You're in friendly territory." Messenger Bill Sutton, pastor of First Baptist Church of McAllen, moved the suspension of the rules in order to act immediately on the resolution, receiving numerous shouts of "second" to his motion.

Asked to speak for the resolution, McKissic said, "I want to reiterate the position of the documents as I understand them of the SBTC and to give testimony to Baptists in the state of Texas regarding our beliefs that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God." The text of the resolution stated, "We believe in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and the inerrancy of the original manuscripts," adding that the BGCT executive board had rejected his effort to present the motion for consideration at their 2001 convention.

"I bring this motion today because I want to be absolutely convinced that I'm in a room with Baptists that can affirm that if God breathed the Scriptures, they have to be without error," McKissic passionately declared to the applause of convention-goers who cheered and waved their ballots when it was time to vote. "I just need to know there are some Baptists who will take a stand on this issue," he shouted.

Asking if any messenger wished to speak against it, Hernandez joined the audience in laughter at such a thought. "All right. That's beautiful." After messengers voted, he added, "Unanimous. Let it go on record."

Amazing that you are part of the in crowd as long as you agree with us, but when you decide to talk about what you believe that is contrary to what the powers that be believe then you are on the outside looking in.

Personally I am a cessationist that is willing to be proven wrong! But, I can fully cooperate with someone who is a continualist. I was eating lunch with my accountability partner today and we were discussing why churches shoot themselves in the foot so often when it comes to reaching out to people with the good news? I believe the SWBTS trustees have shot the SBC in the foot one more time.

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