Friday, November 10, 2006

I can't wait for January

No it is not because American Idol is back. Personally I could care less about that show. It is because my favorite show to ever come to TV is back for another season and I just saw the 24 teaser and it looks awesome. I wrote about my love for this show in February.

Jack Bauer gives us an illustration of biblical truth that is uncanny. He is willing to sacrifice himself for everyone else. He has been doing it for 5 seasons on 24 and it looks as though the 6th one will be more of the same. When you watch the video listen to these quotes that sound so much like the need people have for what Jesus did in their place on the cross.

"A threat will rise"--what threat do all of us face? The threat of sin and what it will do to us in this life and the life to come. It is trying to take control of us each day and it needs to be stopped.

"Fear will grow"--people are full of fear in their lives. But as John tells us, "perfect love drives out fear." (1 John 4:8) Jesus displayed perfect love.

"Our only hope lies with one man"--WOW how true it is. It is funny when you watch the video Jack's hair is long with a long beard, almost trying to look like Jesus who is the only hope for anyone.

Jack says, "I can die for something"--Jesus died for something...for God's and me. We are all fallen in need of Jesus who died for us.

"We are asking you to sacrifice yourself"--That is exactly what God asked Jesus to do. "
The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them." (John 15:13) This is where Jesus showed perfect love, His willingness to sacrifice himself.

"If we want thses attacks to stop Jack Bauer has to be sacrificed"--The attack of sin on our life will not end in this life. But because of the sacrifice that Jesus made the attack of sin on the lives of Christ Followers will stop after this life is over.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for all of us. The price that we were suppose to pay. He laid down His life for you and me. What are you going to do with the knowledge of that?


Bill Victor said...

have you seen Mark Driscoll's blog about Jack Bauer. I think you will like it. Check out and look at Driscoll's blog.

Chris Walls said...

Yeah, I read his after I wrote mine. I knew he was a fan of 24