Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Looking forward to this

Ben Stein, one of my favorite actors, "Bueller, Bueller," and one of the smartest guys I have ever heard, is coming out with what looks to be a very interesting movie. It is called "Expelled." Here is some information from the movie website:

There is a movement on the horizon that has the potential to change the educational system in America and influence your kids, you and the youth you serve.

For decades now, Neo-Darwinism has maintained a stranglehold within public education, suppressing all other theories on the origins of life - especially those that hint of a "designer".

Oxford professor Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and author of "The God Delusion" states,

"Certainly I see the scientific view of the world as incompatible with religion."

Your students are being bombarded with such propaganda throughout their education; despite the fact that MOST Americans do NOT believe we're the result of "random chance".

Well, FINALLY help is on the way.

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, is an upcoming feature film in which host Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) goes on a quest to expose the suppression by science's anti-theist elite, and unveil new scientific facts that may suggest evidence of intelligent design in the universe.

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