Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Day

What a good day, it was long and I am tired but it was worth the trip. Bob Roberts was his usual engaging self.

I was able to hang out with a friend, Cory, from another church in the area that road down with me. I had invited him earlier in the week because he is going through some transition stuff in his life and looks to be moving on to another church.

I also got to spend some time with my friend David Phillips and met a couple of other bloggers as well. It was good to meet Adam Feldman, here is his church's website, and Joe Kennedy. I have not read their blogs much before, but look forward to keeping up with these guys. Adam is in Ellicott City and Joe has been in Maryland looking at the possibilities of planting in Maryland. All three guys are great guys and are doing some really great stuff for the kingdom. I need to rub shoulders with these guys because their blogs are really fancy and my is bland compared to theirs.

Most of what Bob said I have either read or heard from him in other contexts, but it was a great reminder for me because I have become very self-focused over the past few months.

Tomorrow I have my second funeral this week. Looking forward to the sermon this week. I am starting a new series called, "Living Life Out Loud" based on the book of Ephesians. Sunday's title is "Whose are you?"

1 comment:

Adam said...

hey, man! great meeting you, too. btw, typepad pretty much did "everything" for my blog's design. i believe joe spends much more time tweaking his.

anyway, i dropped your blog into my rss feed. looking forward to keeping up with your writings.

peace and coffee...