Saturday, June 10, 2006

SBC in Greensboro

I guess I am a glutton for punishment. I am taking my family to the Southern Baptist Convention this week. This will be my second venture in the national conventions main stage. The last time I went to Dallas in 1997 and spent the day there mainly visiting with friends. Had lunch with Calvin Miller who gave me some great pastoral advice, I will not dispense with it here but it had to do staying away from over aggressive women.

I am almost more excited for my 4 almost 5 year old daughter and the fun she is going to have in "Rescue 911." My wife grew up Methodist so this is her first venture into SBC, besides what I update her on in the 6 years we have been married.

I am biblically conservative, which means the direction that the SBC has gone in regards to the bible I strongly support. I have no personal friendships or acquaintances with any of the leadership. I did serve as Second Vice President and First Vice President of the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey. I am now in the Maryland/Delaware state convention and serve in no capacity at this time. I am concerned with some of the things that are going on in the SBC. I have tried to keep updated with events over the years. Which means that I have been reading some blogs. I have read Wade Burelson, Marty Duren, Steve McCoy, and many others. I constantly read BP.

I am concerned that the SBC has lost its direction and focus to seek personal agendas clouded in what is best. This is not a new revelation. I have always felt that way.I was there when Russell Dilday was fired at SWBTS. I understand the reason and agreed he needed to leave, I did think it was handled improperly. I enjoyed Ken Hemphill, took his 1 Corinthians class and enjoyed it immensely.

The problem is, I believe, is that the convention has become a cult of personality. Though the majority of the churches in the SBC are under 75 in attendance we keep promoting these mega church pastor's for the presidency. Page, Sutton, and Floyd I am sure are Godly men and are doing great things for the kingdom of God for their ministry, but do they understand the struggles, hardships, and headaches of a small church pastor. I don't know if any of them have ever served in a small church atmosphere. I remember in seminary that almost every pastor who spoke in chapel was from a large church. I don't remember a small church pastor coming. Could be my bad memory.

Who will I vote for as President. I will not vote for Floyd. I have had two friends that have served on his staff and they rave about the man. I went to college in Arkansas and have an acquaintance with his ministry. I have seen some of his sermons and appreciate him as a pastor, but the CP giving bothers me and I believe that should matter. If the people of our churches are urged to give 10% then the church should move in that same direction. My church gives 8% of undesignated to CP causes.

As for Page and Sutton I don't really know. Page seems to be a nice guy and his church gives a strong percentage to CP, as does Sutton. I met Sutton at SWBTS when I was a student. He seems like a genuinely nice guy as well.

My hope for this convention is that we would move back to be a convention of the common Southern Baptist. I want to see us continue to stand strong for God's word and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ without alienating ourselves from people and hurting the cause of Christ more.

By the way, why isn't someone standing up and making a resolution that the people of the SBC to stand up and pray for the school's and teachers of nation instead of alienating ourselves from teachers and parents that we are trying to reach. Our church is adopting the school down the street. We are providing school supplies for underprivileged children as well lunch for the teachers during their first day back to school in August.

I am looking forward to meeting some old friends, making some new ones and listening to McManus and Searcy again at the Pastor's Conference. I am also looking forward to hearing Casting Crowns again as well on Wednesday.

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