Monday, June 12, 2006

We Made It!

It was a long day and it just about did us in, but we did it! It's monday morning and we are in our hotel in High Point, NC. Yeah, it is not Greesnboro, but that is a whole long story in itself I will not go into at this time. We got in about 10 PM last night after leaving the metro Frostburg area at 1:30. I am learning better what it means to travel with kids. I am one of those, get on the road and go until you absolutely have to stop. With an almost 1 year old and almost 5 year old that means about every two hours. For me a meal would be drive thru and back on the road, with kids it is sit down for an hour. I guess my dad spoiled me on getting there quick.

A few highlights of the trip: God's beautiful creation! We took our trek through West Virginia first and then a little of Virginia and the NC. God never ceases to amaze me at how creative a God He is. The valleys that we passed over and the rivers were just awesome.

I love trips also for the interesting things you see, like signs. We are in West Virginia near Beckley I think and there is a sign of a BBQ place, "Dirty Ernie's Ribs-Gifts." I told my wife, "Only in WV."

We also passed over the largest Arch Bridge in the western Hemisphere over New River.

This morning we are going to get ready and head over to the Pastor's Conference and attend some of the interesting sessions.

My five year old is laying next to me as I blog this morning!

Oh yeah! One more awesome thing....HOW BOUT THOSE MAVS!!!!!!

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