Sunday, February 04, 2007

It's Cold

Wow, you want cold I will give you cold. Todays high 16 tomorrows high 8. The wind chill factor of about -12. My daughter has a two hour delay already for school in the morning. They should just cancel because by 10 AM it is suppose to be a high of 2 with a wind chill of -19. Personally I don't think there is much difference between 16 and 8, that's just plain cold. Either way it just bites right through you. I wish my trip to Texas was this week.

Personally I believe in a literal hell where there will be fire, but if it was me it would be cold. Lord, could my next pastorate be in Hawaii please?

Just to give an update this balmy Monday morning. The temp is -2 but it feels like -24 and Riley doesn't have school.

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