Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Dentist Visit

I went to the dentist today. This is a new one for me, so it was an initial check. I was talking to him about my two front teeth, one is longer than the other and I wanted to know what it would take to fix the problem. He tells me that they would probably have to break my lower jaw to set it right and then do some work to straigthen up my teeth. Geez, not the answer I was looking for to my question. I mean let's place a stick of dynamite in my mouth and light that sucker up and see if that works. I was thinking something simple like grinding the longer one down a little bit to make it not look so bad.

Perfection, that is what so many people want in their life. They want the perfect teeth, the perfect car, the perfect body, the perfect wife (sorry everyone I already have that one), or the perfect job. We are never satisfied with what God has given us. When is God going to be enough for me or anyone else. When I am I going to realize that God created me and has everything I need if I will just stop trying to get there on my own. I struggle and struggle, but I will never be satisfied until I am ready to stop trying and start trust God.

Trust is not easy for us. I know many of you are a lot like me. If you sit in the passenger seat of a car you are constantly using the chicken brake. God wants us to trust Him for everything. Not for what we think is best for us, but for what He knows is best for us. We spend too much time trying to get there instead of realizing we have arrived when we trust God for everything in our lives. Step back look at life from God's perspective and work on those areas that He is concerned about, the areas of our character, and stop worrying about thost things you are concerned with. I'm sorry those three fingers are pointing back at me!

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